Lack of grouped knowledge by segments
Modified on: Fri, 19 Jun, 2020 at 4:43 PM
The analysis of the lack of knowledge by segments is another key aspect in the knowledge management of your organization.
From the Administration Area you can carry out this analysis, using the following sources of information:
In the section “How many questions have been made to Zap?”, select a period of time that you are interested in and observe the evolution of the "Questions asked to Zap" at a quantitative level given:
The number of users who have asked at least one question
The total number of questions asked to Zap by those users

Note: We remind you that the activity of deleted users is reflected in the results of this section, according to the period selected.
Knowledge Dashboard
In the Knowledge Dashboard you will be able to compare the lack of knowledge in your organization according to its segment values. Focus your analysis on the groups of people who have obtained low and intermediate scores.
Average score of the categories
By selecting all the trainings, a combined Knowledge Dashboard is generated that includes all the segments and all the categories. This can help you get an overview of the organizational lack of knowledge by groups of employees.
If you need it, you can also apply filters by categories as explained in the article Knowledge by Categories
In the "Knowledge" section, filter by each of the values of a segment you are interested in analyzing and you will find the following data related to each value or group of people:
Average score, refers to the average score of all categories obtained by that group of people and it is the sum of the average score of each individual category divided by the number of categories included in the training. Calculated on a scale from 0 to 10
Category with the lowest average score, i.e., the category that is least known for that group of people
Average score of each category, inside each category you will find a number, it is the average score. This score is the sum of the correct answers in each category divided by the total number of questions in that category included in the trainings, filtered by the group of people you have selected. Here, analyze the categories with the lowest average score by employee group

Grouped knowledge ranking
In the "Rankings" section at the top left you will find a filter. By default, the "Individual" filter is always applied, click on the filter to open the drop-down menu, select a segment to obtain the Knowledge Ranking with the following data grouped together:
Average score: Refers to the average score of successes of all values of the selected segment, i.e., by groups of users. It is calculated as the sum of the average score of each divided segment value by the number of segment values included in the training
Max: It is the maximum number of points obtained
Min: It is the minimum number of points obtained
Number of successes: The groups of users are ordered from top to bottom starting with those with the highest number of correct answers to those with the lowest. The groups with the same points are ordered according to the speed with which they have answered the questions correctly
Average score: The groups of users are ordered from top to bottom starting with those groups with a greater number of correct answers with respect to the total number of questions answered. Calculated on a scale from 0 to 10

Note: In the excel of the Knowledge Dashboard, the sheet Right Answers Relative Ranking corresponds to the Average score in the Administration Area. Check out our article Export the Knowledge Dashboard
In our article Export the rankings, we explain where and how you can download the rankings from this section.
Note: The analysis of the lack of knowledge will help you plan future trainings directed to specific groups of people according to the areas or topics on which they have shown to have less knowledge.
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