Training activity
Modified on: Fri, 20 Aug, 2021 at 2:32 PM
The training activity analysis is another key aspect of the knowledge management in your organization.
From the Administration Area you can carry out this analysis, using the following sources of information:
In the section “Are the users training?”, select a period of time that interests you and observe the evolution of the "Activity in training" at a quantitative level given:
The percentage of users who have started training
The number of users who have trained at least one question in relation to the total number of users included in trainings
The number of questions answered by users in trainings that are or have been active

Note: We remind you that the activity of deleted users is reflected in the results of this section, according to the period selected.
Note: In the Home area, all data is calculated based on user activity from Monday to Sunday.
Knowledge Dashboard
In the Knowledge Dashboard you will be able to compare the activity and inactivity of users in trainings, through the following sources of information:
Activity charts, hours and days of training
In the Activity section of the Knowledge Dashboard, in the "Activity" graph, you can see the evolution of the questions answered by users in the trainings every day or every week.
In the graphs "Hours and days of training" you will be able to consult the hours and days with the highest and lowest activity of users in trainings.
Use this data in your training communication strategy! For example, send notifications by email or to the App in the hours and days with less activity, focused on inactive users in training or on lost users, i. e., who have stopped training.

List of Active Users
In the Activity section of the Knowledge Dashboard, you can analyze the users’ activity in the training through the list of "Active Users". In our article Export active users, we explain where and how you can download this file.
Here, we help you to understand the results:
Active users in a training are those people who have participated at least one day, answering right or wrong, at least one question.
In this excel file you can find out:
Training % (days), optional weekends (column G), is the percentage of trained days (column E) with respect to the total of days the training lasts for (column F)
Training % (questions), optional weekends (column J ), is the percentage of questions answered, right or wrong, (column H) with respect to the total number of questions launched during the training (column I)
These metrics are very useful to know the number of users who have completed the training, both in days trained and in questions answered.

Note: In the Knowledge Dashboard the Training % shown in the list of "Active Users" is the training % (days), optional weekends.
Note: Depending on the configuration of your organization in Zapiens, the activity during weekends will be counted or not, i. e., it depends on whether the training weekend feature is enabled in the App. Check out our article Modify the App Configuration
Distribution of Active Users
Active users, in the Activity section of the Knowledge Dashboard, are distributed in five groups according to their training % (days) in a pie chart:
Pro: % of users who train more than 80% of the days
Semi-pro: % of users who train between 60% and 80% of the days
Frequent: % of users who train between 40% and 60% of the days
Regular: % of users who train between 20% and 40% of the days
Occasional: % of users who train between 0% and 20% of the days
In the pie chart, click on each of the groups to see the corresponding list of active users. You will be able to export the list of users that meet the established selection. Check out our article Export active users

Note: These data are calculated taking into account the user activity during the 5 working days per week.
Attendance Ranking
You can also analyze user activity through the Attendance Ranking in the Rankings section. Users get one point for each day they participate.
Average score: It is the sum of the points obtained by each user divided by the total number of active users
Max: It is the maximum number of points obtained
Min: It is the minimum number of points obtained
List of users ordered by how much they have trained, starting with those who have trained the most to those who have trained the least. People with the same points are ordered in alphabetical order
In our article Export the rankings, we explain where and how you can download the rankings from this section.

Answers list
In the Knowledge Dashboard you will be able to download a file, in excel format, that will help you to analyze the users’ activity in trainings at a qualitative level.
In our article Export the Knowledge Dashboard, we explain where and how you can download the complete Dashboard.
In the last sheet of the excel "Answers list", you will be able to see the answers of the users at individual or group level if you apply filters by email or by segment values, etc. In the last column "Is memorize" filter by applying the value "no" to analyze only what happens in the training.

Note: In the Excel of the joint Knowledge Dashboard of several training sessions that include repeated questions:
In the sheet "Right Answers Absolute Ranking" that coincides with the "Knowledge Ranking" in the Administration Area, the points in the column "Right Answers" is the sum of the right answers in the non-repeated questions included in the training sessions. That is, it only takes into account the right answers on different questions.
Another relevant data that you can know is the inactivity of users in a training. You can do this through the following source of information:
Inactive Users
In our article Export inactive users, we explain where and how you can download the List of "Missing People”.
Here, we help you understand the results:
Those people who have stopped training, along with the number of days they have not participated in training. These are people with more than two days of inactivity. In column F "Number of days" of the excel, we indicate the number of days they have not trained. For example, 4 days, 8 days... etc.
Those people who are inactive in training, along with the number of days they have not logged into the App. (This coincides with the list of "Inactive users"). In the column F "Number of days" of the excel, we indicate the number of days they have not logged into the App. For example, Log In: 0 days, Log In: 4 days... etc
Note: Log In 0 days, means that this person or groups of people have not logged into the App for less than 24 hours.
Remember that the data in this excel is dynamic, that is, even if the training is finished, time will influence its results. In order to adopt communication strategies about the different groups of inactive people, we recommend reviewing this excel when the training is active. Check these data and increase the number of active people in each training!

Note: Active users in trainings are not listed here.
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