In Zapiens there are three levels of security for your organization's passwords. Select a level and it will be applied to both the App and the Administration Area passwords. 

The different levels are:

  • Medium level. Passwords have no requirements

  • High level. Passwords must:

    • At least 8 characters

    • Contain at least one uppercase letter and one number

    • It cannot contain the username

  • Very high level. Passwords must:

    • At least 8 characters

    • Contain at least one uppercase letter, one number and one special character

    • It cannot contain the username

    • Do not repeat any of your last 12 passwords

    • It cannot have two consecutive identical characters

    • The user must change their password every 90 days

To change the passwords security level is very simple, follow the next steps:

  1. At the top right of the Administration Area click on the "Drop-down arrow" button and click on the "Settings" option

  2. In the "General" section:

    1. Enable the level of security you want

    2. Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right of the page

    3. In the pop-up window, enter your current password

    4. Click on the "Next" button

    5. Type in your new password twice depending on the requirements of the selected security level

    6. Click on the “Update" button

    7. Click on the “Accept" button

Note: If you change the password security level, the App and Administration Area will automatically request a password change the next time users log in.

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