Translate a badge
Modified on: Tue, 23 Jun, 2020 at 1:51 PM
If your organization speaks different languages and you need to translate the badges or achievements, follow the next steps:
Go to the “Badges” area on the left side menu to access the list of badges or achievements
Choose the badge you want to translate and click on the "Pencil" button on the right
Click on the "Add translation" section or click on the "Save and translate" button
Select the language of the translation and translate the following fields: Name, Description, Level in progress, Achieved level
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right
A new section will appear with the name of the selected language. From there you can edit or delete the translation
Click on the Badges > Edit Badge path at the top left or click on the Badges area on the left side menu to exit the editing process

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