My profile sections
Modified on: Fri, 25 Jun, 2021 at 1:51 PM
In the Profile area you can see three sections: Statistics, Achievements and Rankings of the trainings you have participated in. This way you can compare your progress with the progress of your teammates.
In the "Statistics" section you will see:
The top 3 categories or knowledge areas you know the most about
Your weekly progress shown as a bar chart, in which you can compare your progress from the previous week with respect to the current week in:
Train. Red color
Help. Green color
Ask. Blue color
Memorize. Purple color
The top 3 categories or knowledge areas where you have been most helpful during the current week. If you have any unanswered questions, you will have direct access to the "Help" button from this section
Click on any other area in the Lower Menu to exit the "Profile" area

Note: The difference between light and dark colors refers to the progress comparison between the previous week and the current week.
Achievements are virtual prizes that you can get if you train, memorize, ask questions or help your teammates. Each achievement has 3 levels.
Click on the first level of each achievement to find out its goals and your progress in that level. The levels will be unlocked as you achieve the goals. Click on the levels to see your new goals and your progress.
The achievements available in Zapiens are:
Diligent: Answer questions in trainings to get points and unlock each level
Genius: Answer correctly the questions to get points and unlock each level
Fan: Train and/or memorise each day of the week in the App to get points and unlock each level
Wiki Human: Learn questions on the "Memorize" card to get points and unlock each level
Explorer: Ask questions to Masterminds through Zap to get points and unlock each level
Tourist: Ask questions from different categories to Masterminds through Zap to get points and unlock each level
Master: Answer your teammates’ questions to get points and unlock each level. Exclusive achievement for Masterminds or Theme administrators. If the Validate other masterminds' answers functionality is active in your organization, you will receive one point for each of your answers, once they have been validated by other colleagues
Top 10: Finish training in the Top 10 of the Knowledge Ranking to get points and unlock each level

Note: Depending on your organization’s configuration in Zapiens you will be able to see all the achievements, only some or none.
In the Rankings section, in your profile you will be able to access the rankings of all the completed trainings in which you have participated.
Click on the "Rankings" section. The list shows the last 5 trainings you have participated in
Click on the "Show more" button to access the full list
Click on the "Name" of each training to access the Ranking
Click on the "Arrow" button at the top left to exit the Ranking of each training
Click on any other area in the Lower Menu to exit the "Profile" area

Some clarifications on the rankings
Training rankings may vary depending on your organization's configuration in Zapiens. The most common rankings in Zapiens are:
Knowledge Ranking: You will get one point for each question correctly answered
Attendance Ranking: You will get one point for each day you participate in a training
Total Ranking: It is the sum of: number of hits (Ranking knowledge), number of days trained (Ranking attendance), number of questions sent to the Masterminds(from the App) and number of questions answered by the masterminds (from the App or from the AA). The questions created and answered will be counted in the total Ranking as long as they have been included in the current trainings
Ranking criteria
In the Knowledge Ranking, people with the same points are ranked according to their answering speed. Be the fastest and move up the rankings!
In the Attendance Ranking, people with the same points are ranked according to the alphabetical order of their names
In the Total Ranking, people with the same points are ranked according to the speed of response. Be the fastest and move up!
In the Knowledge Ranking and Total Ranking, in case there are people with the same points and who have been equally fast in answering, they are ranked according to the alphabetical order of their names. This situation is very unlikely, since at Zapiens we measure the thousandths of a second in the speed of response
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