Modified on: Thu, 1 Jul, 2021 at 12:23 PM
To become a Helper of one or several categories, your organization must give you that authority. If you are a Helper you will be able to answer your teammates’ questions. The more questions you answer each week, the more points you get.
When a colleague asks a question, Zap, our Artificial Intelligence, will alert you through a push notification. "Knock! Knock! Someone needs your help"
To help, follow these simple steps:
Access Zap, found in the center of the Lower Menu
Zap will greet you and ask you what you want to do
Click on "Help"
If you have more than one unanswered question, swipe left to access them
Click on a question
In the question "Do you know the answer?"
Click on the red "X" if you don't know the answer
Click on the green “tick” if you know the answer:
Write your answer or click on the "Microphone" to enter your answer through audio. Very useful and practical! Remember, maximum 500 characters in your answer
Click on the "Camera" to add an image
Click on the "Send" button
Click on the "Circle" button at the top right to exit without typing your answer
Click on the "X" button at the top left to exit the question
Click on the "X" button at the top left to exit Zap

Note: In the web version of the App, if you have more than one answer you will be able to access them by using the right or left arrows on the keyboard.
Note: the number of characters allowed when answering questions from your colleagues from the web version of the App is 500. When answering from Zap in Teams there is no character limitation.
If the functionality "Validate other masterminds' answers" is enabled, when another mastermind validates your answer, Zap will send you the following message in the "News" section of the App: Great! Another mastermind has validated the answer to the question "..." Looks like a good answer. Thanks for helping Zap learn!
To access the question:
Click on the message and it will automatically open the "Your questions" section with the following information:
The question
The date and time when the question was answered
The answer
The verification that the answer has been validated by another mastermind

When a colleague marks your answer as helpful, Zap will send you the following message in the "News" section of the App: Thanks for your help. Great! Your answer has been marked as helpful.
To access the question:
Click on the message and it will automatically open the "Your questions" section with the following information:
The question
The date and time when the question was answered
The answer
The verification that the answer has been validated by another sage
The verification that the answer has been marked as useful by a user

Note: These questions will not be available if you access the "Your questions" section from your profile. See our article Access your questions
Note: The microphone and camera are only available in the mobile App.
Note: When a little red dot appears next to Zap, it means that Zap has something new for you.
Check out our article Helpers
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