What is a training?
Modified on: Thu, 24 Jun, 2021 at 1:53 PM
A training is a set of questions and answers on one or several topics. Trainings have a limited duration, i.e. they will be active for a certain time.
Show what you know, answer the daily questions and get points for each correct answer!
Types of training
In Zapiens, there are two types of "Training" cards:
"Training" cards in default blue color or in custom color, which correspond to those trainings which are active at the moment, you can still answer the questions if you haven’t already.
White “Training” cards, which indicate the next scheduled trainings, so you will not be able to answer the questions yet. Don’t worry! On the card you will see the start date.

More information about a training
On each "Training" card, there is a downward "Arrow" that allows you to get extended information about the training:
Click on the downward "Arrow" at the top right
A drop-down menu will open with the following information about the training:
Multimedia file
Full name of the training
Number of participants
Number of questions
Training description
Days left for completion
Progress bar on your answered questions
"Let’s go" or "Continue" button
Click on the upward "Arrow" to exit the drop-down

Note: If the training is active and you still have questions to answer, the button will say "Continue" instead of "Let’s go".
Note: The “That’s all for today!” button indicates that you have answered your daily questions or completed the training. If it appears for several days, it means that the training is still active for your teammates and that you have already finished it. Congratulations!
Note: On the "Training" card you will see: its name, when it ends and the progress bar on the questions that you’ve answered.
Note: If the "Home" area is empty it means that there is no active or scheduled trainings in your organization.
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