What is a training?
Modified on: Mon, 28 Jun, 2021 at 2:34 PM
A training is a set of questions and answers on one or several topics. Trainings have a limited duration, i.e. they will be active for a certain time.
In the Administration Area, trainings can have one of the following 4 statuses:
Draft: The training is not visible in the App even if the users have been added. Its configuration can be complete or incomplete
Published: The training is visible in the App when users are added. Its configuration can be complete or incomplete. Its advantage:
If the training has closed dates when you add users and change the status "Draft" to "Published" the training becomes visible in the App
In progress: Training is active in the App
Completed: The training is finished and is not visible in the App

Note: Remember that in the App, there are two types of "Training" cards:
"Training" cards in default blue color or in custom color, which correspond to those trainings which are active at the moment, you can still answer the questions. In the administration area, this training corresponds to the status "In progress"
White “Training” cards, which indicate the next scheduled trainings, so you will not be able to answer the questions yet. On the card, you will see the start date. In the administration area, this training corresponds to the status "Published"
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