Discovering the Zapiens App
Modified on: Mon, 8 Feb, 2021 at 2:08 PM
First of all, we want to welcome you to Zapiens!
If you're here it's because you're interested in knowing more about our App and everything you can learn and share from it.
In the Lower Menu you can browse, discover and review everything that happens in your Zapiens account. Our Lower Menu will always be there so you can return in just one click. When you access the App, your first stop will be the "Home" area.
It is the core of your more formal learning. From here you can access three sections:
Trainings: it is a set of questions and answers regarding one or several topics. The Trainings have a limited duration, i.e, they will be active for a certain time.
Show what you know, answer the daily questions and get points for each correct answer!
Memorize: it is a functionality that helps you review or remember failed questions and questions added through the "Memorize" button during trainings
Surveys: a set of questions created by your organization to find out your opinions, wishes or evaluations

Find out who are the most skilled and helpful people in your organization at Zapiens. Are you among them?
Helpers: To become a Helper of one or several categories, your organization must give you that authority. Take the opportunity to answer your teammates’ questions, get points and become a "Top Helper"!
Masterminds: To become a Mastermind you must participate in trainings and show what you know about each topic. Answer as many questions correctly as possible, get points and become a "Top Mastermind"!

It is the core of your most collaborative learning. You will meet Zap, our Artificial Intelligence, who is capable of natural language processing. You will be able to ask any question related to your organization, Zap will help you find the answers.
From here you will be able to access four sections:
Ask: Find the answers to your questions through Zap. If Zap knows the answers, it will show you the question or similar questions and their answers. If Zap doesn't know the answers, it will search and find the person or people who can best help you
Help: If you are a Helper you will be able to answer your teammates' questions, share your knowledge and encourage collaborative learning within your organization. In addition, Zap will learn from your answers, improve its knowledge about your organization and in the future, help your teammates more efficiently
View answers: Discover the answers given by your teammates and evaluate if they have been useful to you. Zap will learn from your feedback, improve its knowledge and be more efficient. Write a message through the option "I disagree" if you want to share your opinion about the answer received
View reports: Check the management of the questions you have shared your opinion on through the option "I disagree". Thanks to your collaboration, Zap will learn from the improvements to the questions

It's a record of all your notifications. From here you will be able to check all the messages received related to trainings, the progress of your achievements, as well as the personalized messages sent by your organization.

From here you can edit your personal details such as name, surname, the language of the App, date of birth, gender and photo. In addition, you can change your password and consult the Statistics, Achievements and Rankings of the trainings in which you have participated. This way you can compare your progress with the progress of your teammates.

They are found on the "Three-point vertical" button at the top right. From here you can access the Terms of service, ask for help, share the App and exit it.

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